Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pro Tools, New Tools

Pro tools has made many improvements since its first version released. Today, Pro tools has an extraordinary cool tool for stretching or shrinking audio files without changing the real pitch of the audio file called, “elastic audio”. This tool can be used for many different scenarios and situations. Electronic composers can use this tool to increase or decrease the speed of the hi-hat to correspond with the incline or decline of the song. Vocal mixers can use this tool to chop-up words and use it to make the vocals stutter effect. Which is commonly used in pop music today.
This tool can be activated and operated on by changing the track view to warp. Once activated one has to set event markers to where they want to begin or end their time stretch warp. Event markers can be stretched or shrink to achieve the sound one desires. Think of it as of it was a rubber band and you have set markers between the areas wanted. Now you can drag any of the markers to stretch the rubber band or shrinks it. Except is not a rubber band but an audio region. One can use this tool to fix notes, drum percussions, vocals and even more tracks that are off tempo. Easy fix for what use to be a headache to fix in the past.
They are three different types of event markers that can help one use the tool efficiently. One is called telescope warp, which is applied by taking the end of a region and stretching/shrinking it to match in time or what’s preferred. This event marker stretches or shrinks the whole audio file. Second one is accordion event marker, which is splitting up the whole audio region into two or more to dissect in a more specific manner. Third one is region event marker, which allows one to stretch or shrink very small parts of the audio region like syllables and single hi-hat hits without effecting the other parts of the audio track.

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