Thursday, November 4, 2010

Obstacles In Audio Engineering

      In the recording world of audio, there are many obstacles one might face. One has to be prepared and adapt quickly to run a recording session smoothly.  Using psychology in a recording session will give you the leverage you need to get along with the artist. With todays fast pace work ethics, one has to be fast and efficient when troubleshooting computers, analog gear and other technologies used. Many successful audio engineers use these traits.  
      Being prepared is the first key to avoid obstacles in a recording session.  Preparation will not only give you the ability to work rapidly, but it will also make you look profession in front of clients and confidant.  Adapting to the artists work ethic is another major key in running a session smoothly. One also needs to be able to adapt to certain procedures involved with recording.
      Psychology can take you far in the audio industry and other industries too. Being able to notice the artists intentions will not only make her feel at ease when its solved, but it can also allow you to dodge troubleshooting issues due to vocal recordings in the future, because of her confidence. If something is troubling the artist in a session, you can neither solve it by noticing it nor totally miss it until she speaks up.
        Computers always crash, especially in a recording studio. You will have to learn to deal with troubleshooting down times and deal with it fast! In a recording session 15 minutes of down time can cost the studio lots on money. To make sure the sessions run smoothly, preparation as far as technology goes can help tremendously. Restart the computer and make sure the analog gear is working and not malfunctioning.  Make sure all the input and outputs are routed correctly and that they are routed to working i/o strips on the consoles.
       At the end of the day experience is the only thing that will strengthen your knowledge in running a recording session with minimum issues. 

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